Fruits and Veggies to eat during the winter
Health & Fitness

4 Winter Veggies and Fruits for Better Health

We’re halfway through winter! Perhaps you’re already dreaming about summer salads and backyard barbecues. But, before we get carried away on sizzling hot mental vacays, we need talk about how winter does a number on our bodies. Our immune systems need to be in tip-top shape to help us navigate the chilly outdoors and our toasty indoor environments! A compromised immune system makes us more susceptible to illnesses such as the common cold or flu. But winter also does a number on the skin and can leave it feeling dry and looking dull. Here are some key snack-worthy veggies and fruits—readily available during winter months—to help you ward off sickness while keeping you glowing.


Kale has many health benefits, as it’s one of the most nutrient-rich vegetables you can easily find in any supermarket. It contains vitamin A and antioxidants to help with tissue regeneration, and it’s also high in lutein, which promotes collagen production while strengthening the skin. The fatty acids in kale, including omega-3s and omega-6s, can help keep the scalp moisturized; these can help ward off an itchy, flaky scalp, and can also contribute to hair growth. 

Brussels Sprouts

Tiny but mighty, these cruciferous vegetables contain large amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants and sulforaphane, an antibacterial cancer-fighting compound. In addition to supporting the immune system, vitamin C in Brussels sprouts helps strengthen the skin’s barrier while promoting elasticity.


Pomegranates contain up to three times more antioxidants than green tea or a glass of wine. Among other beneficial ingredients, punicalagin is an especially potent compound that targets acne, breakouts, skin discolouration and inflammation.


Apples also play a role in boosting immunity thanks to vitamin C. However, copper is also found in apples and can help with melanin production. This drastically benefits the overall tone of your skin, particularly through the colder months. Apples can also ward off pre-mature aging, as they combat free radicals—the by-products of oxygen metabolism that cause damage to living cells. Apples also help regulate the circulatory system, which helps keep the skin looking toned and refreshed.

Eating well-balanced meals with the right amount of nutrients can be a challenge during a busy week. Additionally, soil depletion caused by over-farming is increasingly affecting the nutritional value of our food. If you feel you may not be getting a balanced daily dose of nutrients, consider taking a vitamin supplement derived from whole foods, such as VitaTree VitaFruits and VitaVeggies. Synthetic vitamins can have fillers and minerals that may affect absorption, so it’s important to review the ingredients of any supplement before deciding if it’s right for you. 

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