Beauty, Summer Beauty

Purge Old Beauty Products Before Summer!

The official first day of summer, June 21, is almost here! Can you recall the date you bought your last mascara? Neither can we! As the weather warms up, we want to get going and glowing, but there may be a few items around the house and in your purse on their last laps. It’s time to give them a Marie Kondo-esque farewell if they no longer serve you well, so before you add more goodies to your makeup vanity, here are some tips on a few things you can consider during your purge.

Outdated Colours

As products go in and out of our beauty bags, it’s important to revaluate how well they work with other products as well as our revolving wardrobes. Perhaps you still have a vibrant eyeliner in an emerald colour; yes, the same shade Pantone dubbed as colour of the year in 2013. Or maybe you have a dark, plum or chestnut lip liner, but you’ve transitioned all your lipsticks to flesh-tone nudes that are too light to pair with a deep, earthy tone. Or maybe you’re transitioning from college to a corporate job, or have “inherited” a few products from mom’s dresser—whatever the case, chances are that some of the colours you own may be outdated. If you flip or click through your favourite fashion resources and you don’t see a colour, that could be a sign that it’s time to let it go.

Off-Season Products

Although #WetheNorth, we probably shouldn’t use our winter products through all the seasons. Many winter moisturizers are richer in texture, which makes them too heavy in the humid summer months. The average moisturizer or treatment has a one-year shelf life, so you can consider tossing these products, as they may not make it to see another December. Other off-season products to look out for are winter lip balms and night creams.

Broken Items

It’s tough when you break your tried-and-true blush that’s been lifting your cheekbones (and spirits) for several months. But broken products can spill in a makeup bag, causing chaos! If seals or caps are broken, air may dry out or introduce bacteria into a product, altering its formula and/or effectiveness. Not to mention that you can easily cut yourself on a damaged product. So to be safe, it’s best to say goodbye to products that are damaged.

Items that Have Changed Consistency

Sometimes you may notice separation in your products, and that may mean your product needs a little shake to get things flowing again. But after you’ve given it a good shake, if that product doesn’t perform as it did when you first used it, you may need to toss it. Sometimes exposure to sunlight or extended time in a hot car can cause a product’s consistency to change. If the formula seems runnier or thicker than it should be, then perhaps it’s time to throw it out. Changes in the smell of a product may also indicate it’s time to toss it.

Expired Items

That blue eyeshadow you promised to wear after the Alanis Morissette concert. Yes, that one hiding behind the limited-edition bronzers you bought because of the cute packaging, but never use. Those products. If you’ve had them for a few years, show them the door.

Some general guidelines for product shelf life:

  • Mascara: 2 to 4 months
  • Foundation (powder): up to 18 months
  • Foundation (liquid): up to 1 year
  • Face powder/blush powder: 2 years
  • Eye shadow (powder): up to 2 years
  • Eyeliner (liquid or gel): 2 to 3 months
  • Lipstick: up to 2 years
  • Lip gloss: up to 1 year

Keep in mind that expiration dates may differ according to specific brands and your frequency of use. If your products are left in the sun or a hot car, keep in mind this may also shorten shelf life.

If you’re having trouble deciding what to let go, try calling over a few girlfriends for a purge party and they’ll be able to chime in with some opinions. Make room for some new summer beauty today!

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