In Conversation Perricone MD

In Conversation: Dr. Nicholas Perricone, Perricone MD

Perricone MD is celebrating 10 years at TSC! We caught up with Dr. Nicholas Perricone, the man behind Perricone MD, to learn more about his journey into scientific skincare.

1. If you weren’t in the skincare industry, what would you be doing?

Probably teaching on college level about nutrition and health.

2. What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Take Perricone MD vitamins with hydrogen water, and then meditation.

3. What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

Trust in yourself.

4. What’s on your bucket list right now?

A trip to New Zealand and Australia.

5. Where’s the last place you travelled to?

Bejing, China.

6. Why did you start Perricone MD?

I had developed products based on my anti-inflammatory theory of aging.  And despite presenting the theory & technology to the skincare industry around the world, there was no interest. Instead of abandoning and throwing away a dozen years of research and intellectual property, I decided to bring the technology to the world myself. Thus, the birth of Perricone MD!

7. Of all the beauty products you’ve created, do you have a favorite?

Cold Plasma.

8. Describe your aesthetic in 3 words.

Health is beauty, beauty is health. 

9. Fill in the blank: _______ inspires me.


10. Share one tip for someone looking to switch up their beauty or skincare routine.

I recommend that you challenge your skin by consistently rotating the products in your beauty regimen. For example, I like to rotate the applications of my Perricone MD products so that I am getting the benefits and results from of all my sciences and technologies.

Click here to shop Perricone MD at TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice.

1 Comment

  1. Dr.Perricone where can iBuy Your Vitamin C……smalltubes came with purchase. and it is amazing on. skin for the elderly who bruise easily.speeds up healing!!!!!

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