Headshot of Dr Janine Bowring, MD
Health & Fitness

In Conversation: Dr Janine Bowring, ND, VitaTree

We caught up with Dr Janine Bowring, ND from VitaTree Nutritionals to learn more about her health and well-being story.

1. If you weren’t a naturopath, what would you be doing?

I love fashion! I always wanted to be in fashion and modelling when I was younger. I was the main director of our high school fashion show, I put the whole thing together and I loved it! It’s funny how life works out, now that I am at TSC and around fabulous Canadian fashion designers all the time. Our kids love fashion as well and we’ve been asked by strangers if we are in the fashion industry when we’re out and about.

2. What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

I usually meditate for a few minutes, giving thanks for another day and also setting my day in my mind for what I’d like to accomplish. I enjoy a cup of tea and then after getting the children all sorted out for the day and usually taking our dog Jasper for a quick walk, my husband and I usually hit the gym for a morning workout or a hot yoga class.

3. What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

My mom always told me when I was young that if you don’t have your health you don’t have anything. That’s why I do my best to take care of my own health and educate people on how to get or stay healthy themselves.

4. What’s on your bucket list right now?

I want to experience the Maldives or Bora Bora, being on one of those ocean huts on stilts with a glass bottom floor so you can see all the fish. I love the ocean and swimming so that looks like heaven to me to be able to relax for a week or two with NO WIFI, so I am forced to not work.

5. Where’s the last place you travelled to?

Bahamas, we love it there and the children all had a blast.

6. Describe your role at VitaTree Nutritionals.

At Vitatree I do a lot of research on the best ingredients for health. In my formulations, I like to combine my clinical experience after working with my patients years ago with what the research indicates as being the most valuable natural substances from the earth to help heal the body and bring it back into proper balance.

7. What is your go-to VitaTree supplement?

I can’t live without the VitaFruits and VitaVeggies, it was the first formulation I worked on and is still my favourite. I don’t always feel I’m getting enough fresh fruits and veggies in my diet, even though I probably eat more than a lot of people do. I just feel so much more energetic with the VitaFruits and Veggies.

8. Describe your lifestyle in 3 words.

Healthy, active, mindful.

9. Fill in the blank: ____ inspires me.


10. Share one tip for someone looking to increase their daily health and wellness.

Achieving better health is a process, it’s not something that happens overnight. We often get stuck in routines, and it’s important to make small changes in your habits to experience changes that are lasting in the future. So in a word “baby steps” towards better health is the key. Change your habits to change your life.

Check out our full selection of VitaTree vitamins and supplements on TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice

1 Comment

  1. Lucy Guerriero says:

    Love all your products
    I am taking Vitamin D as well as the calcium , as a cancer survivor and I wouldn’t buy them anywhere else ! I am wondering when you will be on the TSC with more supply of Vitamin D gels ? They are sold out on TSC .

    Thank you

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