In the past when I would hear the term “self care” my mind would immediately think of a day at the spa or a bubble bath. Being on sick leave over the last 3 months (severe eye issues and bilateral edema with nerve pain) gave me a completely different perspective of what that term means. For me, “self care” meant comfort, pain relief, rehabilitation and mental well being. I was fortunate to have many items from TSC at home that really helped me during that time at home. Everyone has their own challenges and I am not a medical professional but I wanted to share my self care journey back to health…maybe it will help you too.

Rehabilitation and Pain Relief :
“If you rest, you RUST!” We hear Rosalie Brown say that all the time but I can now say, this is absolutely TRUE! Because I was unable to walk easily due to my edema, my feet and ankles stiffened and my muscles atrophied. I was really happy I had the Cubii at home to help with my mobility without having to stand on my swollen feet. I also incorporated full body vibration using my Vibrafit (while sitting on a chair) to help with Lymphatic Drainage….something my Dr. said was really important to help with the fluid I was retaining. They also said that I would need to wear compression socks. Though I was using prescription grade, now that I am back to work, I rely on Dr. Motion socks daily to keep swelling down and to boost the energy and circulation in my legs.
The nerve pain in my feet and ankles would get worse at night – so I sprayed Kalaya Extra Strength Pain Relief Spray on at bedtime and thankfully, it did help enough to allow me to get some sleep. I also found relief from Dr. Ho’s Circulation promoter and kept it under my couch for easy access.
For My Eye Health
When Dr. Janine Bowring heard of my eye issues, in addition to my medicated drops, she recommended I use Vitatree’s Eye and Vision formula as well as up my Omega 3’s using the VitaFish oil. Being all natural, I appreciated that these wouldn’t conflict with my prescription drops and that I was building up my eye health over the long term. I also incorporated a daily serving of Avazera Brazil nuts because of the Selenium they naturally contain. I would eats these on their own or chop into my smoothie bowl and salads.
For My Mental Well-Being
When we are ill, especially if it is for a long time, it is really hard on our mental health. In addition to listening to mediation apps using my Apple Airpods, I also relied on some “beauty” items. It might seem strange to even think about when it comes to a healing, but for me, I did find some relief and joy in using a few products to boost my mood.
The SKINN Divine Manuka facial Oil was my nightly regime not only because it was one step (all I could handle at the time) but the minute I put the oil onto my face, the smell of it made me mentally feel calm and “cared for”. After the 2nd month at home, I was also tired of looking “sick” so I would use Magic Finish Makeup (because I didn’t need a mirror and I didn’t need any tools to apply) and Doll 10 Lip Crayons. Looking a bit like myself helped me feel more like myself which helped more than I could have ever imagined. I know this is something Dr. Doris Dalton herself has spoken to many times when referring to her own health journey.
I wish you health and happiness! ~ Dawn
Happy you’re getting back on track!!
Dawn, Wonderful to see you back at TSC. What a journey you’ve been on and yet you look healthy and vibrant.
Thank you for sharing your story! Coincidentally, I use many of the products you’ve mentioned.
Sending positive energy from our magical universe.
Nameste. 🙏 🧘♀️ 😇
So glad to see you back on air and looking so well! Thanks for your blog and the story of your wellness journey. Please be gentle with yourself now and in the future—you are one of my favorite hosts and I missed you.
Thanks for sharing, Dawn!
l’m happy you’re on the mend, and I missed you while you were off!
Glad that you are back at TSC. Missed you at nights. Interestingly enough, the only thing I don’t own is the vitatree eye and vision formula and the Dr. Motion. I just need to actually start using them again. Oh, I do use the AirPods and just received the Skinn Oil last month which I have been using also. Which apps did you use for the mental meditation? I think I may need to look into that as I can’t sleep at nights.