We recently sat down with Tanya, TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice host to learn more about her!
How did your mom/dad influence the person you are today?
My Mom raised me to respect and treat people the way I would want to be treated…aka “the golden rule”. As I have grown older I live by the rule of being kind and not judging…I also have instilled this value in my two boys.
Which host is most likely to make you laugh?
The person who makes me laugh most of all is ME! My mind is a little crazy and I am constantly finding funny “what if…” moments. Laughing is medicine, after all!

Beach or Pool?
Definitely BEACH!!!
Where is the last place that you travelled to?
For the last 8 years I have had the great pleasure of taking part in kayak and canoe trips with my sister Nancy. We have paddled Georgian Bay extensively… exploring so much that Northern Ontario has to offer. The fantastic rock and trees are mesmerizing… as is the physical challenge of paddling…almost like meditation.

Share your beauty secrets with us. What are the must-have products in your routine?
Exercise, wear SPF, get sleep, take the best care of your skin as you can with good skincare. Love my clarisonic…and we have many outstanding skincare brands at TSC.
What was the last gift you gave someone?
A box of L’Occitane to a woman I don’t know…. but my youngest son seemed to be over at his buddy’s house near their school a lot…. I really appreciate her help and wanted to say thank you. Women are amazing!
Cake or pie?
Cake! Especially carrot with cream cheese icing!
Who is your style inspiration?
My late maternal grandmother Joyce Rogers. She was a self made woman with excellent taste. She appreciated fine craftsmanship….and always looked fabulous.

Can you share a fitness tip?
Keep moving. Find what works for you and stick with it. We are made up of tubes and we need to keep them clean as we age… Also…for me exercise is not only great for the body but for the mind too!! (Keep in mind I have two teenage boys and two pups!!!)

To learn more about Tanya check our her host bio at TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice!
Tanya…it was so nice to get to know you a bit more! 💐
Thanks for sharing some of your person and private information with us, Your Public!
I do enjoy watching you on TSC. Your Professionalism is appreciated and your sense of Humour just wonderful.
Stay Well and Keep Smiling 🙏
Darlene aka “ Just loves Jewellery “ from Bolton, Ontario.
Yes, you are bubbly and always with a laugh or smile on TSC.. that what makes it so great. You do a lot of exercise on TV and at home.. not to mention your fantastic garden you keep.. wow….
You are wonderful Tanya. Always full of life and grace. Most importantly you are so genuine. TSC and us viewers are blessed.
Could not believe when I turned on the TV today and saw you on TSC. Brought back alot of memories when we worked together at Command Post & Transfer. You always made our accounting department so much fun. You are looking the same With your genuine care and love for what you are doing today. Congratulations and all the best. Liz Goncalves
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