TSC is excited to introduce Sandy Gold – our newest host! You’ll start seeing her on air in March! We asked her a few questions to help you get to know her!
1. If you had the chance to speak to a TSC customer reading this post right now, what would you say?
I am so excited to spend time with you, go shopping together and of course become best friends! Please come and say hi, I would love to hear from you! Instagram/Twitter: @thesandygold

2. Beach or pool?
Beach! Sea salt water can have tremendous benefits for the skin!
3. Give us your five favourite summer treats.
Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Did I say ice cream?

4. Describe your personal style.
Well, when I’m not on-air, my husband and I renovate and flip houses. So, my “style” is anything that is machine washable because I’m usually covered in drywall dust and paint!

5. What’s your favourite thing about fall?
Tall boots & big chunky scarfs!

6. Silver or gold?
Gold, of course. My name is Sandy Gold.
7. What’s your favourite room to spend time in at home?
The kitchen. My husband and I love to cook and eat!
8. Are you a tea or coffee person?
Both. I love green tea & lattes!

9. Cake or pie?
This is a hard one! I love hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Yum! But, I also love red velvet cake!
10. What do you like to do on a rainy day?
Binge watch TV and cuddle on the couch with my handsome hubby!
11. What is your guilty-pleasure food?
Pizza and French Fries…dipped in ranch dressing, of course!

To learn more about Sandy, check out her host bio at TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice! And here’s the clip from today’s announcement introducing Sandy to our TSC family!
Welcome Sandy I saw your first show today and you were amazing. Loved your energy and knowledge. All the best !
I’m using Pur products.i ordered 4 months ago the whole set..I’m interested now with the brush with the concealer.