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Getting to Know Your TSC Host: Carol Fysh

Best advice you’ve ever received?

“Don’t worry about people who don’t worry about you”.

There was a period in my life where I wanted everyone to like me and worried if they didn’t. If you are a good person, people will like you anyway. If they don’t, it’s their loss.

“Keep the vision”. Life is nothing without dreams. We will all experience ups and downs, losses, and particularly in those times, “keep the vision” as to where you want to be. Let nothing stand in your way.

Share a fitness tip

Currently, I’m doing PIYO – a combination of Pilates and Yoga. Never thought I would get into Yoga but it is fabulous. Recently learned I have early arthritis in my lower back so am doing this to help. I can move better, have more energy, stretch, and burn calories all at once. We know that Pilates and Yoga incorporate proper posture and deep breathing too, so it is a win-win program.

Describe your personal style

Carefree, natural, sassy, sarcastic, funny, caring with little tolerance for bull@!#%.

Beach or pool? Why?

Beach. There is something so therapeutic and serene about a white sand beach and the sound of waves. A great time to count blessings and reflect.

What is a skill you would like to learn and why?

My bucket list:

Learn another language; Spanish, German, and French. Currently, I speak English only. Once upon a time, I knew French and German….faded over the years.

Dance well….Latino, the ability to follow someone’s lead well.

Biggest Pet Peeve?

Sense of Entitlement….no further comments.

What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?

Moorea, South Pacific.

There was a time in my life when it was me and my two toddlers…a magazine came to our door which I knew had come to the wrong address. On the cover was an island shaped like a butterfly in the middle of the ocean. I read the inside of the cover that the island was Moorea, 10 miles off the coast of Tahiti, 50,000 inhabitants. This was at one of the more uncertain times in my life, but I vowed to one day go to this magical island.

Almost 30 years later, I was on the computer, my life had changed so dramatically, and a cruise came up with Moorea being one of the stops. This is where the advice “keep the vision” comes into play….my husband and I went….we BBQ’d on a white sand beach, swam with Manta Rays and raised a glass to the good life we have created.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

Everything I own material- wise can be disposed of.

What is important is:

Health, happiness, love, sense of humour and empathy.

If you had the chance to speak to a TSC customer reading this post, what would you say?

Thank you for watching and shopping with us in this crazy, fun world! There have been many changes over the years and together we roll with it. We wouldn’t be here 32 years if it wasn’t for you!

Introducing Intimately You with TSC

Carol Fysh has been a familiar face as a TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice host for over 25 years and during that time, she has always been eager to connect with TSC’s audience—asking questions, learning, discovering and finding humour in awkward conversations.

It’s important to keep the spark alive during all stages of life, but it’s especially important for women heading into the next chapter of their life—dealing with menopause, aging parents, relationships, self-love. That’s why Carol is excited to be embarking on a new adventure at TSC as the host of Intimately You, a sexual wellness show that will help you discover, explore and educate yourself about a wide assortment of fun and sensual products built for adult play.

 “These topics are no longer taboo and it’s time to have these conversations. I can’t wait to ask the questions and learn together with you. TSC’s Intimately You will be the place where we can learn together!”

1 Comment

  1. Thankyou carol l know a little bit more of you , you are a fav host of mine you have a beautiful life Carol l live and am trying to live life for myself and my family trying to balance everything out, glad your back, thanks for the inspiration! Cathy

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