You’ve watched Andrea Perry as a TSC host showcasing many amazing brands and chatting with our guests, but we thought we should get to know more about this TSC host!
If you could trade lives with another host for a day, who would you choose and why?
Anne-Marie! She travels the world going to galas and balls! It seems fabulous!
Which host if most likely to make you laugh?
Yanaky! Her physical comedy and stories are hilarious.

Silver or gold? And why?
Gold. Rich, warm and very flattering against the skin!
What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
Lip balm!
Are you a coffee or tea person?
Tea! I got hooked years ago when I went to Vegas and they had an amazing tea house that had a tea that tasted like candy! Delicious.

Cake or pie?
CAKE! Specifically the kind you had when you were a kid from the local grocery store!
What would your pet say about you?
“Man she loves to grab my face!”

What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
Paris is one of my favourite places because of the architecture, cafes, and the energy of the city.
Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts. It’s the laugh!

To learn more about Andrea, check out her host bio at TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice!
Love watching Andrea on TSC! She is always so bubbly and upbeat.
Love watching Andrea on TSC! She puts life into her advertising !
Where are you now? Have not seen you for a while?