Intimately You! Season 3 Episode 6: Healthy Sex Diet

You are what you eat! So, if a good diet improves overall health, that also mean sexual health! Dr. Jess is joined by naturopaths Dr. Olivia Rose and Dr. Janine Bowring, to dig into the foods and supplements you should know about, for good sexual heath, sexual function, and a strong libido! Consonant Skin Transformation …

Intimately You! Season 3 Episode 5: Self-Love Pleasure & Confidence

We all deserve to love ourselves – emotionally and physically! But it’s something many struggle with. Dr. Jess explores how you can achieve lower stress, better health & happier relationships with a little self-love! And she welcomes drag star Gia Metric to share their personal self-love journey! High On Love Sensual Bath Oil High On …

Intimately You! Season 3 Episode 4: Bust Out of a Sex Rut!

Has your intimacy oasis become a desert? Sexologist Dr. Jess explores ways to help you re-ignite passion with your partner and bust out of a sex rut with Javay da BAE, Sex Educator, WOW Tech! A sex rut can look different for different people and couples and according to Javay the best way to explain …

Intimately You! Season 3 Episode 3: Successful Dating in 2022

Dating is constantly evolving. It can be scary venturing into the world of dating but it doesn’t have to be. Sexologist Dr. Jess welcomes dating expert Matchmaker Maria, to help you navigate the dating scene in 2022. Chrystalino Superior How we date differs depending on our age! According to Maria, if you’re under 30, online …

Intimately You! Season 3 Episode 2: Erotizing Your Daily Routine

Have day to day doldrums dissolved fun and flirtation with your partner? Sexologist Dr. Jess dives into how you can embrace playfulness and eroticism every day, to keep that spark alive! Canadian singer songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk also drops in, to unveil her revealing new documentary, “I’m Going to Break Your Heart!” “If you want passion …

Intimately You! Season 3 Episode 1: Hints for a Hot & Happy V-Day

Valentine’s Day is upon us, and it’s time to celebrate love and romance! Join sexologist Dr. Jess and her “Forever Valentine” Brandon Ware, as they reveal their hints to make the day hot and happy and explore ways to keep the love burning all year long! High On Love Sensual Massage Candle High On Love …

Intimately You! Season 2 Episode 12: Kink it Up!

Do you consider yourself kinky? You may be surprised to find out you’re “Kinkier” that you think! Dr. Jess and guest, Lovehoney Canada Expert, Luna Matatas, unpack this provocative premise and explore how a little “kink” can add to a healthy and satisfying sex life! High On Love The Minis Pleasure Collection Kinky sex gets …

Intimately You! Season 2 Episode 11: Fight Less & Love More

Happy couples fight! And it can lead to better communication and healthier relationships. But not all fights are good fights! Sexologist Dr. Jess explores how to fight less and love more with her special guest John Kim, The Angry Therapist. Dr. Jess asks John, how do we differentiate between good functional conflict versus toxic conflict? …

Intimately You! Season 2 Episode 10: Have a Hot & Harmonious Holiday!

The holidays are upon us! That means more love, family and celebrations…but it can also mean more stress! Join Dr. Jess as she and her partner Brandon explore ways to ease the pressure and reveal an exciting gift guide, sure to make the holidays Hot and Harmonious! Dr. Jess’ Hot Holiday Gift Guide High On …

Intimately You! Season 2 Episode 9: Better Sexual Communication

Talking about sex isn’t always easy, but it’s essential to a healthy intimate relationship! Dr. Jess is joined by sex therapist and sex educator, Dr. Reece Malone to share communication advice on how to discuss the subject with your partner. High On Love Sensual Massage Candle High On Love Dark Chocolate Body Paint Talking about …