Jeanne Beker brings us K-Way on Style Matters!

There is something about spring that never fails to conjur up feelings of nostalgia for me.  Maybe it has to do with that sense of finally waking up from that long winter nap and remembering the joy of feeling that familiar freshness in the air, lapping up that special sunshine we’ve missed for so long, …

Spring Fashion: The Black & White Trend

Many consider it to be fashion’s strongest style story: The sharp,  graphic contrast of black and white is forever fresh and chic, and this spring we won’t be able to get enough of it.  The white shirt—always a solid wardrobe staple—will especially be in the spotlight, and there are myriad versions of it to enjoy.  …

Print Party Spring Fashion Trend

Runway to Your Everyday: Print Party

What is the Print Party trend? Like proud butterflies emerging from our winter cocoons, spring inspires us all to spread our fashionable wings and take flight. ‘Tis the season to be colourful, expressive, and ultimately artful.   While a plethora of floral prints will be carrying over from the winter months, animal prints promise to be …

Spring Fashion Craft Fair Trend

Runway to Your Everyday: Craft Fair

What is the Craft Fair trend? Call it a return to innocence or merely a craving for old-fashioned craftsmanship, but we’re all going to be romancing garments and accessories with an artisanal feel for spring.  So what’s cropping up everywhere? There certainly is a welcome relief from so much of the high tech modernity we’re …

Utilitarian Spring Fashion Trend

Runway to Your Everyday: Utilitarian

What is the Utilitarian trend? In this busy day and age of multi-tasking, our desire to get the job done efficiently and comfortably usually ranks pretty high on everyone’s “to do” list.  This spring’s militaristic and safari-inspired looks will ensure you’re style ready for both brave combat and bold adventure.   Neutral and earthy colours Times are …