TSC News

A Message from TSC’s President

Hello TSC Customers,

Our primary goal as we navigate through COVID-19 is the health and well-being of our TSC family, including you – our customers

With that, TSC will be temporarily pausing our live television broadcast. With this change, we’ll have less team members, guests and experts at our building each day and this will help with doing our part to flatten the curve.

Our online shop is always open at TSC.ca and our hosts, partners, and daily show teams are equipped to keep our channel going on the web. Through our website, the TSC team can safely engage from their homes into yours. We encourage you to visit us at TSC.ca often or on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

We have a group of passionate and dedicated people here at TSC so please reach out to us if you have any questions. We’re here to help and look forward to seeing you online!

We wish you and your family safety and good health!

Nyla Ahmad

President, TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice

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