TSC News

Good Morning TSC Celebrates 1 Year!

At TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice, our daily morning show Good Morning TSC is celebrating it’s 1 year anniversary! We caught up with host Dawn Chubai to chat about all things TSC and her television career journey. Here’s what she had to say!

If you weren’t a television host, what would you be doing?

Sing! This won’t surprise anyone who watches GMTSC because you’ve heard me sing a little tune here and there on the show, but it was my music (yes, I am on iTunes!) that got me a job in television in the first place 19 years ago.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

At 4:30am I turn off one of two alarms – no snooze allowed! – and I go and turn on the kettle for my coffee. 15 minutes later I’m out the door.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

If it’s something that interests you (in life or career) say YES! I started both my music and television careers this way. You’ll figure it out… and you can let your personality distract from your shortcomings until you become an expert.

Where’s the last place you travelled to?

New York City, it’s a favourite. But I am so excited to be travelling to Europe for the first time this fall. Going to Paris for the Ryder Cup and then a week in London with my husband. So excited!

What are the top 3 TSC products you can’t live without?

For the sleep deprived (like most of us!) it’s all about time-saving. So, the Dyson Supersonic hairdryer is a dream. I went from 18 minutes down to 3 minutes of hair drying time. I worked the math and I gain 2 whole days of time a year by using it… money well spent! I also love the new Kate Sommerville Winkle Warrier 2 in 1 moisturizer and serum. In the past, I never bothered with a morning skincare regime because of all the steps… but one step I can do is the DermaWand. I turn 46 this year and I have definitely noticed a few things heading south (and not just for the winter!) this device gives me instant lift plus it is also relaxing to use.

What’s your favourite part about working on Good Morning TSC?

The people! Not only our incredible crew but those of you at home who welcome us into your home every single morning as part of your routine. I have been working on morning TV for the better part of 19 years, and it’s a privilege I never take for granted. Fun fact: we spend a lot of time on our “opening” in the first minute of the show! The goal is to make it an interesting and entertaining snapshot of the day here at TSC for you at home. The whole crew gets involved – it’s a bonding time for our team to get creative together.

Fill in the blank: _________ inspires me.

Passionate people inspire me! People that take on every task as though it is the most important thing. I see this everyday. From inventors whose products we sell to Mairead in our cafeteria who make makes a mean omelette with the biggest smile.

If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you bring?

My husband! We’re celebrating 14 years of marriage in October. Oh… and concealer.

Catch Dawn on Good Morning TSC every weekday morning from 8-10am EST on TSC – Today’s Shopping Choice. 

1 Comment

  1. Shadiyah says:

    Hi Dawn
    I was so disappointed this morning with the Alarming deal. At 08:55 the sold out sign was already flashing as I was watching to see what was the deal. To my surprise, you mentioned the perfume set and right after you said sold out.. I had to brace myself, do the other shoppers know of this deal before it comes to air,, Aah. Please let me know the trick/ By the way, you are amazing and you know how to host your show.. Thank you for a very Good Morning. Loyal customer.

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